Appendix C: References

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The following references are provided for your convenience. I've done my best to check each for accuracy and usefulness, but as with anything on the Web, let the browser beware.

Indices | Technical References | Other Tutorials


HTML Writer's Guild List of HTML Resources
A good listing of various documents, tutorials, validators, specifications, and other resources regarding HTML. As the opening paragraph says, "this document has been limited to 'documents that help you write HTML,' and purposely excludes some other areas of creating Web services" such as CGI programming. It's a good list, and it's being maintained by someone who really knows HTML. Highly recommended-- Hisskill and Eggbert give it two toes up.
The Art of HTML
This site is a fellow Point Top 5% awardee, and with good reason. The Art of HTML is a well-organized list of references, tutorials, archives, and other HTML- and Web-related material. It includes links to everything from HTML tutorials to CGI programming to Netscape-specific tricks to essays from the early days of computing. It will look best if viewed by Netscape (as usual), but any table-aware browser should yield an acceptable display. I recommend this site very highly. (After all, I was a Pick of the Week there.)
Yahoo has a number of places to look for HTML- and Web-related information. Here are a few:

Technical References

HTML 2.0 Specification
The on-line technical specification for HTML 2.0. This can be an invaluable resource, because it's the real thing, but it wasn't written for easy comprehension by the general public. Part of a larger set of information regarding HTML 2.0 and 3.0, which includes postscript versions of the specification and various ancillary files.
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
As the introductory paragraph of this document states, The Bare Bones Guide is a "quick-and-dirty" reference for all the HTML tags. There is nothing in the way of explanation, nor is there supposed to be. This is simply a summary table of all HTML tags known to the author, and it's a very good summary. I recommend it highly.
ISO 8859 Pointers
A well-written overview of the ISO 8859 character set, which includes the Latin-1 alphabet. The file is a 38.7 Kb text file with no graphics; based in the U.K.

Other Tutorials

Carlos' FORMS Tutorial
This forms tutorial has been recommended to me on a few occasions. I cannot vouch for its contents, as I have not spent much time looking at it; just long enough to verify that its author does in fact know how to use forms.

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